Emotions are everywhere. We all have them. They impact us all. We started a sermon series last Sunday looking at the book of Jonah. Talk about emotions. The story of Jonah is filled with many different emotions. There is confusion. There is anger. There is joy. There is depression. There is forgiveness.
Here is a quote from Elevation Church’s current sermon series:
There are so many outside factors in our lives that can swing our emotions from good to bad. But what if the secret to lasting joy has more to do with protecting what’s going on inside us?
I want to use this space again this week to point you to another sermon series. Check out “The Great Emoti-con” by Pastor Steven Furtick and Elevation Church. Watch it through to the end because there is a wonderful illustration there. Sorry to disappoint you, but no, I am not looking for a new preaching style here 
I plan to be back to more original content next week. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy this.
Pastor Matt