In our busy schedules, it can be tough to find time for God. Here is one thing you can start doing today, no matter how busy you are, to see God more.
Give thanks.
always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ – Ephesians 5:20
It sounds so simple. Give thanks. We might say. I am thankful. I know you are. However, this is usually “after that fact.” We might look back after a month of being busy and be thankful. Instead of being thankful later, be thankful in the moment.
Say “thank you God.”
Say “thank you God” when you see the beautiful sunset.
Say “thank you God” when you see the kids out playing.
Say “thank you God” even when you are frustrated with the work that is required to raise kids.
Say “thank you God” when you have those special moments with those you love.
Say “thank you God” while you are driving and someone does something simple like moving over to let you on the highway.
Say “thank you God” when you have something to eat.
Say “thank you God” when you have a place to lay your head.
Say “thank you God” when someone corrects you, knowing they are only trying to help you.
Say “thank you God.”
Yes, most of you reading this will say that you are thankful. Go ahead though, look for opportunities to actually say thanks to God throughout the day. This can be out loud. This can be something you say in your head. You will be amazed when and where you start noticing reasons to say “thank you God”.
Pastor Matt
(All scripture cited above from Common English Bible Copyright © 2011)